Monday, May 13, 2013

Russia, U.S. to discuss. Syria resolution early next month.

Russia, U.S. to discuss. Syria resolution early next month.

The U.S. announced plans to meet with representatives of Russia. To end a war that lasted more than two years in Syria early next month.

Mrs. Jane Saki Spokesman of the U.S. State Department. Revealing yesterday (May 13) stated that the U.S. is planning to hold a conference to discuss with representatives from Russia to end the conflict in Syria, took place for over two years in early June. are going through this. It is expected that the conference will be held in Geneva. Annual Taste of Switzerland. Which used to discuss this issue together 2555 years ago when the previous chief Carol States Secretary of State. And the Minister for Foreign Affairs Sergey Lazio for Russia. Statement that ever came out of such a meeting to take place within this month.
The U.S. also plans to send a letter of invitation from Iranian agents. The International League to discuss Syria as well.

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